Next "GENERATION" Event:

When :

Saturday 27 April, 2024

Location :

Maharagama Youth Center

Participation :

Excepting Over 5000+ Students

# Engineer The Future

This event tops as the largest concert
by any school or educational body in Sri Lanka

# About The Events

About the event GENERATION

The "ECHEM Talent Show" is a premier event by ECHEM EDU celebrating student diversity in arts like dance, song, drama, and visual arts, providing a stage for self-expression and confidence-building, to illuminate their talents.

After Movie  

After Movie: Eclipsed Highlights

from: ECHEM Media Team

"Eclipsed Highlights" ECHEM Telent Show '22


Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM




Talents by ECHEM



# Event Target

Our Mission

At ECHEM Edu, we're dedicated to transforming education in Sri Lanka into a journey marked by joy, wonder, and endless possibilities. Our unique teaching methods, coupled with individualized attention and a comprehensive educational approach, are designed to ensure that our students don't just succeed academically—they also discover contentment, joy, and a lasting passion for learning. We're committed to nurturing a spirit of innovation, teamwork, and openness, preparing a new cadre of leaders, visionaries, and innovators ready for the challenges of our dynamic world. Our collective efforts are aimed at redefining educational norms, unlocking every student's full potential, and lighting the way for future generations.

Open Mic Session

Unleash your voice in our Open Mic Session, where every word echoes the spirit of our vibrant community

Art Gallery

Immerse yourself in the Art Gallery, a visual feast showcasing the vivid imagination of our talented artists.

Main Event

Experience the pinnacle of creativity at our Main Event, a grand celebration of ECHEM Edu's finest talents.

# Sponsorships

OPPORTUNITY for Sponsors

Become a sponsor for the "ECHEM Talent Show" and connect your brand with a premier event that epitomizes creativity and learning. With 5,000+ attendees and over 5,000 live stream viewers, you'll spotlight your brand to over 10,000 engaged participants. This extensive reach offers your brand significant visibility across both local and international stages. As a sponsor, you'll not only enhance the event's resonance but also affirm your investment in the future of youth development and the arts. Join us in empowering the creative leaders of tomorrow.

Download Proposal (PDF)

  • GOLD



Platinum Exposure

Elevate your brand as the exclusive Platinum Sponsor for the "ECHEM Talent Show," gaining premier visibility on all promotional materials and reaching over 185,000 members across multiple social platforms.

Engagement & Visibility

Make a lasting impression with a 5-minute feature presentation, prominent banner displays, and direct distribution of your promotional materials to attendees at the event, enhancing your engagement and visibility.

Gold Level Impact

Secure a Gold Sponsor slot for the "ECHEM Talent Show" and enjoy high visibility. Your brand will be featured across key promotional channels, touching an audience of over 185,000.

Strategic Engagement

Gain targeted exposure with a 120-second ad spot and a 45-second video commercial at the event. Display 5 banners, distribute materials, and get acknowledged for your pivotal role in supporting education and talent.

Silver Spotlight

As a Silver Sponsor at the "ECHEM Talent Show," position your brand prominently and support burgeoning talent. Limited slots offer a prime opportunity to demonstrate your dedication to fostering education and artistic expression.

Broaden Your Reach

Your logo gains visibility across multiple platforms, reaching an audience over 185,000 strong. Benefit from a dedicated 60-second ad slot and the strategic placement of 3 banners at the event to capture attendee attention.

Bronze Connection

Embrace the role of a Bronze Sponsor for the "ECHEM Talent Show" and bolster the development of young talent. Your contribution will be publicly acknowledged, enhancing community growth and creative endeavors.

Visibility and Recognition

Your brand will be visible in our pre-event promotions, tapping into a network of over 185,000 individuals. Enjoy a 30-second ad segment on prominent social platforms and display your banner at the event, underlining your commitment to nurturing future creativity.

# Sponsored by

Amazing Partners & Sponsors

Fueled by shared enthusiasm and vision, our remarkable partners and sponsors are the backbone of success. Their unwavering support and collective wisdom are what empower our endeavors.

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